Police Department

Serving & Protecting the Shelby, Ohio Community

Originally authorized by ordinance in 1923, the Shelby Police Department has a long history of keeping the peace and serving our community.

Contact the Shelby Police Department

Safety and Security of the Community

The safety and security of the community of Shelby remains the top priority for the Shelby Police Department, which adheres to the following values: Commitment, Justice, Integrity, Sensitivity, Respect, Accountability, Excellence, and Attention to Detail.

Thanks to the residents of Shelby, the 20-person department is located in the brand new Shelby Justice Center, which opened in March 2014. The Shelby Police Department also mans the accompanying jail within the Shelby Justice Center.

In addition to Calls for Assistance and Crime Scene Investigation, the Shelby Police Department partners with other agencies for service. While maintaining mutual aide agreements with other departments, the Shelby PD has participated in the Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task Force program organized by the United States Marshals Service and the Richland County ASORT (SWAT) for the Hostage Negotiations Team. Officers from Richland County Sheriff’s Office, Mansfield PD, Ontario PD and Shelby PD have attended specialized training to deal with subjects in a crisis situation.

Police Reports

The Shelby Police Department is committed to transparency in all of our operations and committed to maintaining compliance with Ohio Public Records Law. Putting our reports online fulfills that commitment and makes these records accessible to the public and makes it more convenient for both the public and our agency; it reduces paper, printing and postage costs, and it gives our communications staff more time for other projects. Insurance companies, attorneys, media outlets, and citizens will be able to search, view and print basic reports by date without leaving their office or home.

The links below will provide information on incident and traffic accident reports from December 2015 to present.

Incident Reports
Traffic Accident Reports
Commendation/Complaint On Officer Form

Shelby PD Employment

Please use the link provided to take our entrance test. Note that all applicants must take the test, including Lateral applicants. In addition to taking the test, please have your completed application submitted to Police Department no more than 7 days following your test date. The top ten scoring applicants will be interviewed by the Hiring Board directly following the closing date. Please direct any further questions to the Police Department.


Entrance Test
Lateral Transfer Information
Police Officer Application
Dispatcher Application

More from the Police Department:


Lance Combs, Chief of Police

Shelby Police Department
31 Mack Ave., Shelby, OH 44875

Follow the Police Department


In cooperation with Richland County, the Shelby Police Department uses the Richland County Notification System to  allow residents to sign up to receive emergency and community alerts. These notifications can be received on your cell phone, work phone, text message, email and home phone.

This is a free service that is provided by Richland County to its residents. Notifications are dependent upon external providers, message and data rates may apply. The City of Shelby and Richland County cannot guarantee that notifications will be received by the intended recipient.

Notifications will originate from 69310 for text messages, alerts_noreply@richlandcountyoh.gov for emails and 419-774-2001 for voice messages.