Law Director

Law Director’s Office

The Director of Law shall be an attorney-at-law admitted to practice in the State of Ohio. He/she is elected to serve a four-year term. The director is the legal adviser of and attorney/counsel for the City of Shelby. The director prepares all contracts, bonds and other instruments in writing in and shall endorse his/her approval.

Serving as prosecuting attorney of the Shelby Municipal Court, he/she designates assistant prosecutors as City Council authorizes by ordinance. The director prosecutes all cases brought before the municipal court and performs the same duties as are required of the prosecuting attorney of Richland County.

When required to do so by resolution of the City Council, the director shall prosecute or defend for and on behalf of the City, all complaints, suits and controversies in which the City is named, and such other suits, matters and controversies as he/she shall by resolution or ordinance, be directed to prosecute or defend.

The director also performs the duties which are imposed upon city solicitors by the general laws of the State.

Gordon Eyster, Law Director

